
Exceptionally Rare | Interest Bearing
PoW/PoS Hybrid Security
Speed | Stability



Block Explorer


Released in late June 2013, CGB was designed
primarily with the investor in mind. With its
accelerated mining period, and fast declining
inflation, CGB is now entering it’s final stage as an
interest bearing, low inflation, cryptographic virtual
The mining period began with a reward of 10 CGB
per block and has been halving around every 30
days, until a baseline reward of 0.01 CGB per block
is reached, where it will remain forever. This
baseline reward will contribute only 0.5% annually
to the overall inflation.
Up to 1.5% of the remaining inflation will be
rewarded to the most prudent holders of CGB. To
qualify for interest an investor must keep their funds
unspent in their wallets for a minimum of 30 days
(for 1.2% interest), and up to a maximum of 90
days (1.5% interest).
With the baseline mining reward expected to be
reached within 1 year of release, and the annual
inflation target of 2% fast approaching, there is no
better time for the serious investor to get involved
and claim a stake in this unique virtual commodity.

• Proof of Work/Proof of Stake Hybrid
• Scrypt
• Linear difficulty retarget (every 2 blocks)
• 5 Confirms
• 60 Second block time
• 10 Bullion per block (1st 55k blocks)
• 1.5% Annual PoS Interest
• Subsidy halving after every 50k blocks until
reward of 0.01 is reached were it will remain in
• ~1,000,000 Cryptogenic Bullion cap with 0.5%
annual PoW inflation

Investor Brief :
As investors, we must be willing to adapt when the
game changes, or we risk being the last one holding
the bag. Global debt levels are nearing the
explosive end of a parabolic rise. Most of the
problems that lead to the market crash in December
of 2007 have become much worse. Evidence that
interest rates, gold, commodities and other markets
are being manipulated by the central banks has
emerged leaving many investors struggling to tell
truth from distortion. In this kind of a market it is
very important to consider storing your wealth
amongst a diverse range of assets. Not only does
Cryptogenic Bullion emulate the properties of gold,
a classic safe-haven asset, but it also represents a
part of the movement towards a more fair and
honest system of money.
One thing that will strike the new investor is the
sheer number of different crypto-currencies to
choose from. The market is still new, and most of
these have not been created with sound economic
and social fundamentals. When we step back and
look at the whole picture, we see a rivalry between
miners, who complete difficult calculations to
generate new coins, and investors, who are buying
coins on the market based on perceived potential. A
third unseen player in the market is the scammer.
Since there is real capital involved, and due to the
anonymous nature of crypto-currencies and the
internet itself, these people are known to coordinate
pump-n-dump scams and will even create new
digital currencies just for this purpose. It is
important, as investors, that we conduct our due
diligence before allocating capital to ensure that we
are both on the right side of a trade, and that we
are supporting only those projects which deserve
the capital.
Capital flows can be understood when we realize
that there are many different reasons to hold a
crypto-currency. They can be held to spend, held to
save, held to invest, and used to move funds from
one person, place, or market to another. It is
important to know this, because predicting changes
in demand is how an investor can generate a
return. Cryptogenic Bullion functions well for saving
because of its low inflation rate, and the interest
that can be earned by holding it. The value of
Cryptogenic Bullion is not determined by how many
markets it can directly trade to, nor by how many
businesses and individuals will accept and hold it
for spending, but from its fundamentals which allow
it to serve as a more stable store of wealth

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