
Stellar is a decentralized protocol for sending and receiving money in any pair of currencies. This means users can, for example, send a transaction from their Yen balance and have it arrive in Euros, Yen, or even bitcoin. We’re expecting to support the usual categories of transactions: payments to a merchant, remittances back home, or rent splits with a roommate.

You can hold a balance with a gateway, which is any network participant you trust to accept a deposit in exchange for credit on the network. Stellar also comes with a built-in digital currency, referred to as the stellar, which we’re giving away for free. The currency will have value (as determined by the market); however, its primary function is providing a conversion path between other currencies.

We hope that people will build applications on top of Stellar to help bridge the gap between digital and traditional currencies.

Stellar is part of a nonprofit organization, the Stellar Development Foundation. The code is open-source, and anyone is welcome to join the project. If you’re interested in following Stellar development or helping build the network, just jump into IRC room (#stellar-dev on Freenode), or browse our forum. You can start building applications on top of Stellar now; see Stellar Client (the code behind our hosted web client) or Stellar Viewer (the code behind the account viewer) for some working examples.

The following are some of the people involved (see our about page for a complete list):

Stellar Development is led by Jed McCaleb (resuming development of the open-source technology he created at Ripple) and Professor David Mazières (head of Stanford’s Secure Computer Systems group, creator of SFS and bcrypt).
The Foundation is led by Joyce Kim as Executive Director (former attorney and VC with public interest experience).
The Foundation’s board is Keith Rabois (early Paypal, former COO at Square), Patrick Collison (CEO of Stripe), and Jed McCaleb.
The Foundation is advised by Dan Kaminsky, Joi Ito, Ronaldo Lemos, Linda Stone, Sam Altman, Naval Ravikant, Jackson Palmer, Greg Stein, and Matt Mullenweg.
Stripe has provided initial funding to help get the network off the ground.
The currency
We provide an open-source hosted web client, where the keys are encrypted client-side to your password so we don’t have access to your funds. The supply of stellar will increase at 1% per year.

The network has been initialized with a supply of 100 billion stellars. 5% will be used to fund operations of the nonprofit (its spending, including employee compensation, will be public), and the remaining 95% of the stellars will be distributed for free as quickly as we can manage. We want anyone to be able to get onto the network, and we’re correspondingly going to apportion the giveaway as follows (see our mandate for more details):

50% of the total will be distributed to people who sign up for an account.
25% will be distributed by other nonprofits focused on financial inclusion.
20% will be given to current Bitcoin and Ripple holders—two systems that Stellar owes a lot to.
We’re starting the main giveaway now. Note that we’re still ensuring the stability of our own systems, so we may have to limit the rate of stellar distribution at first.

How it works
Stellar is built on the concept of gateways—entities that let people get into and out of the network. (For some related background, it may be worth reading Stripe’s recent cryptocurrency blog post.)

You need to trust the gateways you use, but you don’t need to trust the other participants in the network. This is similar to trusting your local bank to hold a deposit on your behalf. In Stellar, you explicitly decide how much you’d like to trust a gateway by setting policies such as “I trust this gateway to hold a deposit of up to 100 CAD on my behalf”.

Currency balances are represented as credits from the gateway. For example, a user could deposit 100 USD into an appropriate gateway via ACH, and the gateway would issue a “(100, USD, <gateway>)” credit to the user’s Stellar account. The credit issuance will only succeed if the user has already marked themselves as trusting the gateway for at least 100 USD.

Cashing out of the network requires invoking the promise represented by a gateway’s credits. You return those credits to the issuing gateway, and the gateway sends you the corresponding currency. Because the currency return is external to the network, you need to trust the gateway to follow through on their commitment (just as you trust your bank to return your deposit upon request).

Since it’s a distributed and open network, anyone is able to start their own gateway, and to take their pick of gateways to trust.

Distributed exchange
Stellar bakes a distributed exchange into the protocol. You can think of the exchange as a single large pool of offers of the form “I’ll trade (100, EUR, <gateway>) for (79, GBP, <othergateway>)”. Anyone on the network can issue a new offer, accept an outstanding one, or cancel an offer they created.

Anyone can submit orders to the exchange.
Outstanding orders to convert between a gateway’s local currency and stellar let anyone on the network send local currency credits to that gateway’s users. Behind the scenes, there might be a series of conversions along the way. For example, a user might submit a transaction which converts EUR credits to stellar and then converts those stellar to AUD credits. Ultimately, the user will have sent EUR, the recipient will have received AUD, and two exchange orders will have been fulfilled.

Under the hood, Stellar uses its own distributed ledger, which is maintained by a consensus algorithm rather than mining. Each node in the network communicates with a set of other nodes that it believes will not collude (such as nodes run by universities, governments, and companies). Importantly, it doesn’t need to trust the nodes themselves — it just needs to believe the nodes won’t work together to produce the same malicious result. Consensus is then reached by an iterative process, which results in each new ledger being decided upon every few seconds. Correspondingly, transactions confirm nearly instantly, and no mining is needed.

We’ll be releasing a paper soon documenting and exploring a provably-correct version of this algorithm.

The Stellar network is just getting started. Today, you can test it out by sending and receiving stellar (or you can use the API to play with running your own small-scale gateway, such as by issuing credits for minutes of your debugging help). We’re working with a few currency exchanges to help them become the first Stellar gateways; once they’re done, you’ll be able to transact in the currencies they provide. In the long term, there will be gateways to cover every payment method that people choose to support.


IRS recognition of bitcoins and other cryptocurrencies

On March 25th, the United States’ Internal Revenue Service (IRS), issued a statement saying that bitcoins (and presumably other
cryptocurrencies) are to be treated as property for tax purposes.

Basically, this
means that all capital gains and losses made from holding or using bitcoins must
be reported for tax purposes. While many
see this as an encroachment of the
government into a decentralized system,
others think that the ruling shows that
bitcoin is becoming more mainstream.
Ideally, the ruling will affect all
transactions made in bitcoin. Among other
things, workers paid in bitcoin must report
it as income on a Form W-2, any payment
for goods must be reported, and any
capital gain or loss from buying or selling
bitcoin must also be reported. In order to
pay the required taxes, everyone who gets
(whether mining, buying, or earning)
bitcoins must record the price of the
bitcoins when they were acquired and the
price when they are sold, in order to record
a capital gain or loss. In theory, almost
every transaction may involve a gain or
loss that must be reported, even buying a
cup of coffee, because of the volatility of
bitcoin’s price. Jeffrey Hochberg, a tax
attorney in New York, said that the ruling
“would obviously create an accounting
nightmare for taxpayers and may cause
taxpayers to avoid using virtual currency.”
Essentially, bitcoins will be treated like stocks and bonds. The
ruling also affects miners, technically any
income from mining should now be
reported as income for tax purposes. They
would also have to declare capital gains
like everyone else should they sell the
Many think this ruling represents too much
government intrusion and the death of
bitcoin as a currency, but others believe
that this ruling will improve bitcoin’s
standing in the mainstream view. While the
ruling says bitcoin is property not a
currency, the ruling may actually help
investors, allowing a sense of certainty and
security. The property ruling was also the
lesser of two evils. Had bitcoin been ruled
as a currency, the taxes for investors
would’ve been much greater. Some also
believe that because the IRS has
recognized bitcoin, its credibility will be
increased in the public eye, and it will see
wider adoption.
While the announcement was certainly big
news to the bitcoin community, some were
quick to point out that such a ruling would
be nearly impossible to enforce. Steven
Rosenthal, senior fellow with the Tax
Policy Center said on the IRS ruling that
“Nobody in their right mind would ever
comply with that,” and that “The IRS can’t
even get the information they need from
normal consumer purchases.” The pseudo-
anonymous nature of bitcoin would make it
extremely difficult for the IRS to track all
purchases and catch tax evaders.
Essentially, small time bitcoin users likely
have little to worry about. The IRS is
simply trying to catch big time tax
evaders. Alex Daley, a technology
investment analyst for Casey Research ,
said that “This ruling is a warning shot
across the bow, mostly to business and
large traders, that you’ll have to deal with
the income tax evasion consequences.” He
doesn’t think that the ruling is “a signal to
consumers that we’ll take away the
anonymous nature of Bitcoin”.

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XXLCOIN – Highest block reward



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What is the Heartbleed Bug?


The Heartbleed bug is a vulnerability in the OpenSSL cryptographic library that allows stealing of information normally protected by the SSL/TLS encryption used to secure the Internet. OpenSSL is open-source software that is widely used to encrypt web communications. SSL/TLS is what normally provides secure and private communication over the Internet via websites, email, IM, and VPNs. According to CNET, an attacker can exploit Heartbleed to essentially “get copies of a server’s digital keys then use that to impersonate servers or to decrypt communications from the past or potentially the future, too.”

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